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Three of Swords

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The Upright Readings

broken relationship, civil war, Heartbreak, emotional pain, sorrow, grief, hurt

According to the card, you have a broken heart and many memories in it. Heartbreak is not only for lovers. We are heartbroken by our parents. Our heart breaks with a brother or sister. You work for a company, organization, or a Boss, and your heart gets broken. The heart breaks for a friend or a relative for whom you do so much. Husband's heart breaks with wife or wife's heartbreaks with husband.

Your heart is feeling broken relationship after having thousands of wounds like this. If the heart is broken then it is natural to have a civil war. Civil war does not mean the actual fight. There is a flood of thoughts. Inside, you start tear apart. That internal fight is a civil war. Heartbreak gives us emotional pain. Whoever gets it, lives with sorrow, pain, and hurt.

The Reverse Readings

sorrow, loss, confusion, Negative self-talk, releasing pain, optimism, forgiveness

The specialty of this card is that it has a gloomy atmosphere on both sides. The atmosphere is of sorrow and loss. Due to the heartbreak, one has excessive thoughts; by overthinking you create confusion. Then the self-condemnation begins.

It is a never-ending cycle of self-blaming, negative self-talk. Then we want to get rid of the pain from a lot of bewilderment. A false optimism starts growing in the mind. Then you forgive all those people who hurt you. In this fight are tired, broken, then instead of surrendering, you forgive them. To restart.

Three of the swords

European Tarot card study points:

A heart is falling from the sky, stabbed with three swords.

Ancient Indian Tarot card study points:

A heart is under the stormy sky, stabbed with three royal swords.

This is the heart of a mother, Charulata. Her son, Lakshyadyumna was crazy for a deceptive Princess, Mahikavati. Mahikavati asked Lakshyadyumna to bring his mother's heart to prove his love. He stabbed his mother. In addition, was carrying the heart in his hand. He was running in haste towards Mahikavati. He stumbled and the heart tossed in the sky.

The heart said, "Did you got any wounds.. My son, please take care!"

(Please read the detailed story.)

In ancient times, Queen Charulata ruled the kingdom of Khandesh. Queen Charulata had a special boon from Durga Mata. Due to the blessings, everyone was leading a happy life under her rule. Varun Dev was pleased with Queen Charulata, so they never face a dry famine. The wheel of fortune turned and Prince Lakshdyumna turned into a handsome man.

One day when Prince went hunting in the forest, he lost his way. While wandering, he reached far away in Asur Raj Mahisha, a demon king. Mahishasura's descendant Mahikavati was occupying the throne.

Her father Mahishketu was out to attack Lanka to expand his kingdom. Princess Mahikavati was a deceiver and a fraudster. She did not make the prince her captive but gave him a grand welcome. The prince was subdued in every way. The prince fell madly in love with Mahikavati. He was a lunatic for Mahikavati. He forgot his mother. He forgot his kingdom.

While courtship, after laying the wicked plan, Mahikavati hypnotizes the Prince and orders, 'Cut your mother and bring her beating heart for me.'

The prince agreed. He returned to his kingdom. When he came back, he was very sad. He did not even talk to his mother properly. Every day one messenger used to come from Mahikavati to say only, 'Remember your promise.' The prince was restless to think about the killings of his mother.

The queen's mother was worried about her son. Her son did not talk to her. One day the prince entered his mother's palace, taking advantage of the darkness on a new moon night. He cut the mother with a knife and took her heart in his hands. The prince was madly in love. He was running through the forest to meet Mahikavati. He decided to a living heart to Mahikavati.

In the dark, he stumbled and fell. The heart was tossed. He caught it somehow. The prince got up and was fixing his clothes... a voice came from the mother's heart, 'Son, did you hurt..! And the prince was stunned.

He realized what he did. In repentance, the prince began to moan. The lightning struck in the sky, Mother Durga incarnated. With her holy hands, she revived Queen Charulata and made prince Lakshdyumna aware of his duty towards his mother. He came out of the false love of Mahikavati. On the other hand, due to the terrible earthquake, the city of Mahisha was engulfed in the earth, forever.